Troop 618 Camping at Sunset Beach State Park April 9-10, 2011.
A good (though cold and windy) time was had by all. Highlights of the trip were the two contests we held.
First was a sand sculpture contest before lunch, where the judges made the following five awards:Next was the "Cast Iron Chef" contest at dinner time, with a (not so) secret ingredient of eggs :
- Best Turtle (0017.JPG) to William, Guy, Wiley, Nick, Bailey, Bolce and Keefe
- Best Depiction of the Food Chain (0018.JPG) to Alex
- Best Coliseum on Top of a Volcano (0019.JPG) to Jonathan and Sam
- Best City (0020.JPG) to Vincent, Luke, Ian, James and Michael T.
- Best Overall to William, Guy, Wiley, Nick, Bailey, Bolce and Keefe for fine craftsmanship and also for sticking together as a patrol
- Awarded the prize of Best for their Steak and Eggs dinner was Alex's patrol with Alex, Jonathan, Sam, Vincent, Michael T., Luke, Ian and James.
- Awarded the prize of Bester for their Skillet Frittata dinner was Steven's patrol with Steven, Bailey, Bolce, Keefe, William, Guy, Wiley, Nick, Michael H. and Colby.
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