In December 2011 Troop 618 participated in two special service projects.
The first was to help in the cleanup after the Grey Bears holiday dinner at the Santa Cruz Civic Center. At this dinner the Grey Bears provide free meals and holiday entertainment to thousands of local seniors every year, and they can only do it with the help of hundreds of volunteers, including our Troop.
The second was to visit the Second Harvest Food Bank warehouse in Watsonville to help in a "Saturday Sorting" session. At this event our Troop (both Scouts and parents) made up one fourth of a crew of volunteers who loaded 2,800 bags with 25,000 lbs (over 12 tons!) of food.
The Second Harvest bags are part of their "Food for Children" program, so this month our Troop did it's part to feed both the children and the seniors of our community.
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Cleanup after the Grey Bears dinner
Filling Food for Children bags at the Second Harvest Food Bank